Fundation Atlantic Diet
RThe studies and research projects on the Atlantic multisectoral diet
Improving quality
Improving the nutritional and organoleptic quality of food Diet Atlantic
Advice to all administrations
Advice to all types of administrations, enterprises and educational institutions and technology transfer in the field
All about Atlantc Diet
Food, nutrition, health, hospitality, food, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture, win
Study of the interplay of the discovery of America in the eating habits of the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean
Market research and consumer behavior
Organoliptic quality
Improving the nutritional and organoleptic quality of food Diet Atlantic
Cultural activities
Making cultural, scientific or otherwise relating to the objective of the foundation activities
Development programs
Development programs and actions of those deemed advisable for the better fulfillment of the foundational purposes
Publications related to the subject of the Foundation
La conselleira del Mar, Rosa Quintana, encargada de inaugurar la segunda jornada del Foro, destacó el valor de campañas como GALICIA SABE AMAR y del trabajo de la Fundación Dieta Atlántica de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela para concienciar a la ciudadanía sobre la importancia de los pescados y mariscos en la alimentación.